Tips to change Facebook friends to Facebook followers

Are you a Facebook user?

Do you have Facebook friends or pending request on Facebook?
Do you know you can change your friend request list to followers list?
You can also change these pending friend requests to Facebook followers.
This might be an easier tutor than you think.
Though Facebook is the most top social media with users all around the world, but I’m sure many users may not know this tip or how it works.
Normally On Facebook, many users always engaged with just friends and no followers. And normally, that was how it was made by the Facebook creators. So many users think friends are for ordinary profiles while followers are for celebrities and other public figures.
So on this post, I’ll teach you how to change friends or pending friend requests to followers on Facebook, as it’s already listed below.
Body Content
*What are the difference between Facebook friends and Facebook followers?
*How can I change my friends or pending friend requests to followers on Facebook?
What are the difference between friends and Facebook followers?
There are some proven difference between Facebook friends and Facebook followers
*Facebook friends are gained by profile, while Facebook followers are gained by Page and profile also
*Facebook friends looks ordinarily and common on profile, while Facebook followers are looks valuable on a profile or page
*Getting Facebook friends have limits of five thousand (5000) friends only, but you can get millions of followers on Facebook, as much as you can.
How can I change my friends or pending friend requests to followers on Facebook?
You can easily change your Facebook friends or pending friend requests to Facebook followers with just few click, like wise I said earlier.
Here are some tips and tutor, 
Note: I’m using the Facebook lite version to illustrate this to you, but this can also be done other Facebook App or browsers, as the main issue is to log in to your Facebook account.
*Now log in to your Facebook account (using Facebook lite version).
*Click on the menu bar by the top right.
*Scroll down and click on Settings
*Scroll down also, under “Audience and visibility” click on “followers and public content”
*Wait for another page to pop-up, check below “who can follow me”. Check carefully on the page, it’s on “friends”.
*Now change it from friends to “public”. Also, check on “who can see your followers on your timeline”, Change it from friends to public too.

Now you can check your profile if you have pending friend requests. Or ask another Facebook users to add you on Facebook, automatically it will shown on your profile as a follower (followed by).

That’s best tips to change this without stress. I’m sure this post has helped you on our topic, especially social media influencers. You also need to apply this tips, make your Facebook profile and page to look matured and good, gain Facebook followers instead of Facebook friends
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Kindly contact us or drop it on the comment section below.
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Thanks for reading.

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